14 June, 2010

Sean's Dream 6/14/2010

14 June, 2010
"I remember a lot of snakes being present. I am very scared. Cody walks out of a room with a snake across his back. When I think of it now it's oddly similar to that sexy Britney Spears dance, but with Cody...and not sexy, just scary. I wake up and still feel like a snake with me. I then see a snake in my bed, it sees me and attacks my face. I wake up again."

For those of you who don't know me I fucking hate snakes. So dreams like these really get under my skin. A couple of my good friends growing up would always threaten to put snakes in my bed, but I want you to know that if you ever do that to me I will stop being your friend. It's not funny, it's cruel.

Away from that for a moment; the false awakening in this dream was rather entertaining. I truly thought I had woken up and the snake being present only made me think it was influencing my dream.

~ Sean Oliver