30 January, 2011

Sean (Jason) Lucid Dream - Jan 30th 2011

30 January, 2011
I woke up earlier in the morning and drove home from a friends house. I stayed up for a few hours and then went back to sleep.

I was dozing off when I heard somebody walk in my room and turn on some music. I figured this to be Danny coming home from church, but when I opened my eyes the music stopped and I knew it was part of a hallucination. I closed my eyes and I began to feel my astral body. I could feel my 2nd pair of eyelids opening up.

I see a figure standing outside of my closet, I think it may be Danny again, but then the figure peels back the curtain and hovers over me. I can see it leaning down and waving its hands in my face. I believe its intention is to help me get out of my body, but it still makes me feel uneasy because it seems as if the figure is really there and hovering over my body, but I feel myself in my astral body.

I open my eyes and see that I am alone, I have sleep paralysis and cannot move my body. (this happened to me last night as well)

I close my eyes and again I see the shadow behind the curtain and then the thing pulls the the curtain back and again is waving its hands in my face. There is something scary still and again I open my eyes.

Frustrated with myself because I know I am so close to getting out of my body and only fear is holding me back I close my eyes again.

For a third time I see the figure behind the curtain but this time instead of coming into my closet I see it walk away, this enables me to finally fall out of my body into my room. Everything is very vivid I walk towards the front door and am compelled to open the bathroom door. A tall kid I went to high school is in there, I have little interest in talking to him and the strange figure directs me back to my room.

I remember seeing a small child sitting in the room, it reminds me of Hara the half cylon/half human baby from Battlestar Galactica. I don't remember anything else.

This was a very intense experience for me because the mysterious figure seemed to really try and get me out of my body. Although I knew this to be a friendly action I couldn't help but recognize some kind of fear. I need to overcome this and become more inquisitive while lucid.


25 January, 2011

NEWS - Online Dream Pamphlet AVAILABLE!

25 January, 2011
As seen in Episode V of Lucidity!

Learn the basics of lucid dreaming from the same pamphlet that George & Jason were given.

Happy Dreaming,

20 January, 2011

Tom (British podcast "Get Lucid") - Jan. 18th 2011

20 January, 2011
Tom is a co-host of the British podcast Get Lucid which weekly discusses topics related to lucid dreaming. We invited Tom and his co-host Joe to send us their dreams so we could upload them along with the cast and crew of Lucidity.

First OBE!!
Too much went on to record the events in exact detail as it remains slightly fuzzy in my mind.

Basically after the podcast I and Joe did with the lucidity guys the idea of astral projection/OBE has been playing in my mind. (Which I go into detail at the end)
I had very little sleep the night before due to a heavy night out with work lot. So I had a nap around 12pm. From there the shit hit the fan!

I tried the wild technique and laid in my bed for sometime before I drifted off to sleep. I have realised this may take several attempts at first and can be time consuming, but well worth it. I actually lost consciousness and found myself dipping in and out of 2-3 small dream sequences that at the time I actual thought were thoughts in my head until I awoke.

After this I began to obtain lucidity as I felt I was much more alert after the previous dream experiences. The first time I remember becoming lucid was for an almost a split second I found myself wearing my coat I instantly knew I was dreaming but felt the dream fade, I tried rubbing my hands together to keep the dream going but I awoke.

I again tried the wild technique however lost consciousness. I then was in the following dream sequence. I found myself in my house in the kitchen I remembered I wanted something to eat so I went to the fridge , on some level I felt I could have been in a dream at this point, I guess just intuition. I opened the fridge to find basically a roast dinner but it was laid out all separately on different shelves in the fridge I was like that is weird. I did a state test of the light switch, and I held my nose and tried to breathe in and out but results were that of waking state. However I still remember thinking this probably is a dream. I then went to get a spoon out of one of the kitchen draws to find the spoons were completely covered in cream, it was everywhere. I was thinking this has to be a dream then I started washing the cream off the spoon and my manager form work showed up to my left. I was then like fuck this. This is a Dream!!!. I still did not feel confident as it all seemed so real and at the time plausible for some reason lol. I decided to do a reality test I did several light switch tests on and off and the light worked as it does in “waking life” so then I was very freaked out and I just wanted to wake up. I’m so used to using the light switch as a reality test it acts as my anchor, sort of like a safe guard to confirm what reality I’m in. When you are 100% sure you’re in a dream and your safe guard fails it fucks you up.
I think this may be my subconscious teaching me a valuable lesson, not to rely on these ‘state tests’. Rather I need to trust my own judgment and use my awareness to guide me.
After awakening in a slight panic, I was like let’s get lucid again. Aging I did the WILD technique however I lost consciousness. This time I found myself outside in a car park after some sort of party. I was with joe and I cracked some awful joke about the Flintstones. At the same time there were four people also leaving the party getting into a car. As I said this joke, the dream characters got in the car and picked it up from the inside and used their feet to run off instead of driving (Flintstones style!). So my thought process of this joke obviously had a reaction on the dream environment. So I was like yea this is a fucking dream. Didn’t bother doing a state test however I retraced my steps which confirmed I was in a dream. My thought process was something like. Ok what was I doing beforehand well I went to bed during the day and I knew I obviously wanted to get lucid. As the scene was night time I knew that I obviously was dreaming as a moment ago it was light inside my bedroom (it’s quite a cool realisation that you remembered wanting to obtain lucidity whilst becoming lucid). So after I went through this thought I opened a door next to me and found myself in my bedroom. I wanted to write down on a bit of paper ‘I’m dreaming’ sort of as an experiment. I wrote it down in block capital letters big and clear as I wanted to see if the writing would remain stable if written so clearly. As I was doing so the paper was crunching up whilst I was trying to write making it impossible to do so (not really sure why the paper did this but it is a dream!). I focused all my attention on the piece of paper and intended it to become smooth again which it did. I wrote the words ‘IM DREAMING’ very clearly. I then looked away and back again and it read ‘IDREAM’ in the exact same font so it did remain much more stable than what I’m used to reading after looking away at text. Having just written this down the thought occurs to me maybe there is meaning behind this. Maybe I don’t dream and a different force is doing the dreaming? I then awoke, not very exciting in terms of my involvement but it made me question things more deeply about the dreaming world. It also now makes me think retracing your steeps is a much better way of testing what state your in rather than a reality test.

Ok so I thought that was pretty mental, also at one point I had a chain of 2 false awakenings which is quite a freaky experience.
I was still basically tiered. I thought why not slap out another dream. Basically tried the Wild again and don’t know how it happened really but I felt my astral body, it started very subtle with my hands. But basically my astral body started to slowly sink into the bed at the start I was just slightly out of alignment lower than my body but still mostly overlaid with it. I basically felt like when you’re on a boat and the sea was rocking me a bit. I wanted to really detach myself from my physical body, it felt more natural for me to carry on lowering my astral body downwards into the bed so I basically intended this and focused on going lower. I think I was about half way inside my bed! My hearing changed to that of when you are under water and I felt pressure in my ears as well. The experience was so alien to me that I was basically shitting myself. So much so that I didn’t open my eyes. In fact I was like shit I want to wake up and get back into my physical body. Which I obviously regret now as I should have taken more advantage of the situation. However at first I was like how the fuck am I meant to get back into my body!! I was quite scared, but I remembered that basically remaining calm is probably the best option so I did and I tried using the same technique of intending myself back into my body which slowly worked. The transition of being re attached with my physical body is too hard to descried as I’m not really sure what happened but I slowly awoke. And was like OBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think the fact that the idea of the astral body had been on my mind is why this happened, as my initial lucid dreams happened mainly because I was reading up on them and thinking about them. Basically this has opened me up to a million questions. Like is this the form we tack when our physical bodies die. I think so!
So this was the most intense nap I’ve ever had! I learnt don’t rely on reality tests, use of retracing your steps to help you decide which state you’re in. Also OBE’S are defiantly real, I never doubted them but I never had strong believes in them.
I know if I was reading this a couple of years ago I probably what have said this is a load of bullshit, I’ve always felt there is something more to life than this physical plain of existence. I know I only left my body for a short period of time and a small distance but fuck me that was insightful!

I’m not sure if I have OBE’s and astral projection mixed up, if they are the same thing or separate. I need to research into it more deeply.



Tom (British podcast "Get Lucid") - Jan. 15th 2011

Tom is a co-host of the British podcast Get Lucid which weekly discusses topics related to lucid dreaming. We invited Tom and his co-host Joe to send us their dreams so we could upload them along with the cast and crew of Lucidity.

From zero gravity to the meeting


I’m in a room with my mum, and I’m opening presents people have left me for some unknown reason. Most of the presents are in one big see-through plastic bag without wrapping paper. The presents are mainly sweets. One off the sweets was a shaped like a long thick piece of spaghetti with a big ball attached to the ends with spikes coming out of it, I see a pair of trousers and a coat hanger in the bag which are not meant for me but have been left in the bag by accident. I laugh and make some stupid joke about how the person who bought the gifts must have been shopping and left some of their stuff in with the presents. I walk into my bedroom which has a slightly different shape to my bedroom in waking life. It occurs to me the absurdity of the situation and realise I’m dreaming! Yeeeeeeeaa!!

I immediately felt extremely confident in myself and trust my own judgment about realising it is a dream therefore I do not perform a reality test. (Up to now I have always perform reality test’s when becoming lucid as I usually still have some uncertainties about if I’m actually dreaming.) I immediately jump through my bedroom window and flew into my garden. The colours instantly changed to an extreme vividness like someone wacked up the contrast to full. I remember trying to fly downwards towards the ground but I kept gaining altitude. This happened to me in a previous lucid dream and I awoke as I lost control/focus. So I focused all my attention on this one pink flower I could see on the ground as I did I flew towards it gaining more and more speed, I then ran on the ground as a sort of landing.

I then remembered I wanted to experience zero gravity. I achieved this simply by shouting Zero gravity, I felt so confident in myself there was no doubt in my abilities. I checked around the garden to see it wasn’t just me floating. Garden furniture and pot plants were floating too. I was like this is the tits! I managed to switch this gravity state on and off a couple of times by simply shouting zero gravity. I’ve never felt this much in control in a lucid dream it felt great!
I decided to fly into the clouds. As I intended this to happen the clouds gathered together and started to come towards me. At this point I felt slightly nervous, due to the huge size of the clouds and the motion at which they were rapidly rushing towards me. The clouds rushed down the roof of my house and I began to fly towards them. At this point I woke up, only to later find out it was a false awakening.

I was in a room desperate to write down my dream in my journal. I was so focused on this I did not recognise how different the room was to my bedroom. Also the room was filled with people (dream characters). I felt these dream characters were my friends or people I somehow knew but not in waking life. I asked a dream character for today’s date. This dream character asked why I wanted the date, I explained I was writing my dream down in my journal and wanted the date to be at the top. At this point word had spread to everyone round the room about what I was doing and laughter spread around the room, almost like they were making fun out of me. Then someone entered the room that had higher status than everyone else. He asked a question to everyone in the room. About half the dream characters raised their arm, I also did so. The dream character next to me who I previously asked for the date asked why I have raised my arm. I replied I don’t know, I didn’t hear the question. The dream character smiled at me with a hint of laughter. I then awoke!

I feel maybe I misinterpreted a new dream scene for a false awakening, maybe somewhere in-between? I’m not entirely sure. However whatever you want to call it I feel the ‘false awaking’ was an extremely significant moment.

Robert Wagoner talks about meetings with a number dream characters to discuss the progress of the lucid dreamer. I feel this was one of those meetings as when I initially became lucid; I noticed a greater sense of confidence in myself and abilities, and had managed to direct my focus to help me achieve what I wanted. Therefore this meeting was probably to discuss my progress in myself. This makes it extremely obvious why the dream characters laughed at me when trying to write out my dream journal as they held a meeting to discuss my progress, “I think” and I was oblivious to the fact I was dreaming, truly showing my naivety of the dreaming world.

However I feel the experience has made me feel more aware, and that I’m on the right path. My confidence in myself has shot up and dream characters are starting to take interest in me!

I’m so juiced up!


NEWS - British podcast Interview

Creators of Lucidity Sean Oliver & Danny Torgersen recently chatted with a couple of chaps from across the pond about lucid dreaming.

Listen Here:
Tom & Joe were great hosts and chances are the cast and crew of Lucidity will talk to them again in the future. Please check out their blog Here:


19 January, 2011

Sean (Jason) Dream - Jan 18th 2011

19 January, 2011
I almost got directly out of my body this morning. I woke up after several hours of rest, I'm not sure how many because I didn't move when I woke up. Out of no where I felt my body get very heavy and kind of section to the ground. I then felt as if I was vibrating. Similar sounds to binaural beats were kinda switching on and off in my ear. I tried to focus on not focusing to hard haha and was able to keep it on. I saw more colors and felt as if I was standing instead of laying down. I decided to fall forward and slowly did so. The rush was extremely intense and I saw many images and what seemed like paitings as I fell through whatever I was falling through. I then remember trying to crawl toward a door. I've had another WILD/OBE experience before this where I tried to crawl through a door. Again as I reached the door I tried to phase through it, I feel as though this will confirm I am dreaming. I am very heavy and I can't get through the door.

And I don't remember anything after that. It's very significant to me that I keep trying to get through this door. I think I just need to stand up and take some real control and just use the doorknob.

It also intrigues me because I've read reports and have heard stories that when a person is trying to see their past lives you must enter a door. I've always been fascinated by past lives and it would definitely be something I'm open to exploring in the astral world.

Well, I'm tired and I must sleep in order to grow.

12 January, 2011

Cody (camera/EFX/various monsters) Dream - 1/12/11

12 January, 2011
Don't remember much. Dreams have been very chaotic. I think it might have something to do with sleeping in the holodeck...anyways. What I do remember is nothing to crazy just a seemingly typical nerves dream. I was at the first day of rehearsal for a musical I am involved with and everyone else had the whole show completely done rehearsed, blocked, everything. So I spent a good part of the first half of the show desperately trying to follow along and make shit up even though I really had no clue what the show was about. Suddenly at the end of a number, dick cheney came into the auditorium looking for a friend of mine, J-Bob. Out of fear and a sever lack of trust twards government officials, I disguised myself as a woman. It worked. Wake up.

Sean's (Jason) Dream - 1/12/11

I fell asleep last night almost immediately getting out of the shower. I woke up around 4:00 in the morning and moved from the couch to my closet.

I don't remember any single dream in its entirety. I remember being on a plane and it flying really low to the ground almost hitting many poles. Eventually we were flying right over the ocean and I was very nervous about our height. Another passenger calculated that flying at this height at this speed would get us to our destination very late.

Later in the dream I encountered two portals. One was on the floor and one was the exact same size directly above it on the ceiling. Anything that went in on of the portals came out on the other side. It was similar to playing the game "Portal". At some point we slowly lowered Cody into the bottom portal so his feet would come out the other side and he could support himself by standing on his head.

I also remember defending some kind of fortress that was by an Ocean. There was a huge superhero type battle. I remember several points where I was afraid to enter the water or experienced fear when I was in the water.

Looking back over my physical and digital dream journals it is pretty obvious to me that I have associated water with something fearful. Of course this could simply be a fear of water, but I find it more likely the water is representing something.

I had so many dreams last night and kept waking up in a cold sweat, hopefully I can work on becoming Lucid again.


05 January, 2011

Cody (camera/EFX/various monsters) Dream - 6/13/10

05 January, 2011
I was at Sean and Danny's, but it was actually my friend Ben's old house. I was out side and looked into a window I have never noticed and I looked in and saw an empty room, so I found the area of the house where the room would be and Sean and I busted out the wall of the closet that was there and we found a secret the secret room. There was a hatch on the ground so we went down the ladder and we were in some kind of storage room where we found a ton of shit, like laser pointers that split into thousands of stars in all different colors. Anywho, we found a door that was metal, sealed, and locked, we thought it might be like a bunker for some government agent. Then I was back in the room with the hatch and we decided to leave. A few days passed by and I took my friend Codey down the ladder to the secret storage room. As I climbed down, a trap gunshot went off and someone rustled in the room. Thankfully I wassnt hit by the gunshot and I continued down, opon reaching the bottom I met a very nice black man who had been in a underground mansion that was behind the metal door and under Ben's house for years. We became friends with him and he gave us a tour of his house.

*NOTE: Here I woke up because my mother called me.

CONTINUED...(I think this all takes place like a decade or so before the first part)
Now I am in a hospital looking at a woman who has a disease that already caused her arm to rot off, and was followed by her skin. As I sit by her I realize that the "medical plastic wrap" was starting to absorb into her open wounds. This is when I got the head doctor (maybe I work at the hospital? I'm not sure..) to finally give a shit about the decaying woman. He said there was nothing we could do for her now, and decided to take her to the underground medical experiment facility to find a cure. So we wheeled her to the hospitals maintenance elevator then rolled her inside. Sitting on a small stool in the large wooden door-ed elevator was that same nice black man from the storage room, exept he looked miserable, and slightly scared of the head doctor. This I just overlooked. I left the girl with them and as the elevator door closed behind me I felt like there was something very wrong like I couldn't trust them. Then I heard subtle moaning and a constant tap tap tap so I flung the door open to see the head doctor holding the deteriorating woman's mouth closed while he watched the black man rape her. Tears we're pouring down what was left of here skin scattered face as I disgustedly yelled at them to stop and the black man frightfully, and very willingly stopped what he was doing and pulled himself out of the woman, as the head doctor lunged towards me so I jumped back so he shut and locked the door. I remember shouting hateful things and then walking through the hospital hallways hyperventilating, crying and stumbling everywhere like I had been drugged with shattered respect for the head doctor and the nice black man. I tried to tell people what was happening but no one believed me. I finally found a flock of nuns who did and they helped get others to believe me, so we went to the elevator and kicked in the door to find that it was no longer an elevator but rather that room that had the hatch in it. I ran into the room and was followed by Jeff Goldblum in character for Jurassic Park, a Greek warrior (also a woman), and some huge hero looking guy covered in stone with a stone weapon (possibly a reincarnated version of an ora from earlier that night) we started down the ladder which was now a seemingly endless staircase with a hateful sense of revenge on our minds. Wake up.

News - ONLINE NOW! Episode V

It's finally happening!! Episode V of Lucidity is now available to view online!


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03 January, 2011

News - "Holy Fu@*ing Sh!t Batman!"

03 January, 2011
Episode V of Lucidity is almost ready to be born into the world. It has been a long ugly incubation, and we will be glad to rid it of our Consciousnesses.

Please Don't Slip On The Goo,
