04 November, 2012

Episode VII In Post

04 November, 2012

Hello Dreamers,

Just thought I would let you folks know that Episode VII is currently in post. I know that it takes a bit longer than you'd like for us to get new episodes out, but it will be worth it. We want to release the best episode we can create every time. Thanks for sticking with us!

- Sean

25 September, 2012

Sean (Jason) Dream - Sept. 20th 2012

25 September, 2012
"I'm swimming in the pool in the backyard of the house I grew up in.  I'm with a few people but I don't know who they are. I realize that if I swim by kicking my feet and slowly bring my arms closer to my body I rise out of the water. This allows me to sort of ice skate or ski on top of the water.

I'm not very good at first and always sink back in quickly, but I am able to get going and I jump out of the pool to where the grass would be but instead jump into another pool. I glide around the second pool and then jump the gap again. While my mother stands between them. I think sit with the strangers in the pool and we talk."

Sean (Jason)
Dream, September 20th 2012

27 April, 2012

Sean Oliver (Jason) First Blog Posted on Get-Lucid.net

27 April, 2012
Get Lucid is a lucid dreaming media portal that is hosted by Tom and Joe from the Get Lucid UK Podcast. 

Sean Oliver who plays Jason in the series Lucidity recently had a blog about fear and lucid dreaming that was published on Get-Lucid.net.

You can read the article Here!

I've posted the article below for convenience.

"Fear Inspired Lucid Dreaming"

In the few years I’ve been independently investigating dreams I’ve come across some pretty WILD information.  But one of the most interesting and recurring experiences I hear about involve people learning to lucid dream out of fear.
We generally accept that there is some sort of feedback mechanism in the dream that not only knows us, but respond to us. For instance, a nightmare for me would probably include snakes, but for another person a different creature would need to be used. The dream knows what it needs to do in order to scare you.
It’s very very common for people to learn to lucid dream because they have nightmares. My own Sister was taught by our Grandmother in order to alleviate her bed time fears.  Now, most people see it in this order: Person has nightmare, Person learns to lucid dream, confronts their fear, and the nightmare never returns.  But what if the nightmare only existed in order to force us to gain Lucidity? In some ways we feel like we have conquered the dream, but perhaps it is simply preparing us for something else.
Recently one of the cast members in my show “Lucidity” posted a facebook status that said,
“Rape dreams are the scariest:(  Sleep: Take 2.”
I of course commented with,
“Get Lucid and take control!”
This is a common response from anyone who has investigated dreams. I spoke with the cast member later that day and as it turns out she did gain lucidity near the end of the dream, but only enough to purposefully wake up and avoid the nightmare.  This is her first remembered lucid experience, and it was born out of fear.  In her pose she was also asking “why” in the world she would have a rape dream? One person responded with an answer about dream interpretation and the psychology of rape, and all the different ways to interpret the dream as a metaphor. I on the other hand had a much simpler answer, “Your dream is trying to force you to become lucid.” Instead of looking at the scenerio and relating it to the individual, I simply looked out the outcome. Which was awareness of being a dream.
I’m having trouble articulating my point, but perhaps another example will help. Another female friend of mine told me about a dream she had in a shopping mall. She got into an elevator, but the door shut and wouldn’t open. She began to panic and lose control, but then realized that the elevator she was in was wooden, and wooden elevators don’t exist in shopping malls, so this must be a dream, and the doors opened.
But if the dream world can construct an entirely passable shopping mall, why the wooden elevator? Are we really so naive to believe that this is simply a glitch in the dream? That on a nightly basis it creates completely foreign and comples realities and populates these realities with people and characters, but a simple elevator is just too complex? I tend to lean on the side of no, this is not a glitch.
Try to hang with me on this:  If we accept that the Dream knows us and what we will accept as reality and what we will accept as dream, then we must also acknowledge that the subconscious (or whatever you wish to call it) of the girl trapped in the elevator was fully aware that a wooden elevator would be a clue. The dream would have to know that she knew that the wooden elevator was out of place.
Meaning, that she was put in a scenario that the dream knew she would realize as fake. Which leads me to the conclusion that on some level our subconscious is attempting to teach us to become lucid. Rather than lucid dreaming being a skill you pick up to stop nightmares, it may very well be the reason you are having nightmares.
For a long time I’ve speculated that the natural state of dreaming may be lucid, and that we are the ones that are out of synch. I mean is it really natural to play out ridiculous scenarios that are nowhere near real and not question it? It’s difficult to say for sure, and until we have a new cultural wave that really values these experiences from childhood, we may never know. But every time I hear a story about a person gaining lucidity out of fear, I can’t help but smile.
“The inconsistencies in dreams are clues left by you to increase your awareness and control” – Bill (From Bill’s Guide to Lucid Dreaming)
- Sean Oliver

26 April, 2012

KWSS 106.7 Interviews Lucidity Creator's Sean & Danny

26 April, 2012

 DJ Gass Interviews Danny & Sean About Lucidity

Sean & Danny discuss not only what it's like making the web series, but discuss some of their own lucid experiences and give some pointers. Big thanks go to KWSS 106.7 for having Lucidity on :)

10 April, 2012

LAWeb Fest Awards Lucidity Web Saga!

10 April, 2012

Lucidity Web Saga Honored at 2012 LAWeb Fest

Lucidity received recognition for Musical Composition and Visual Effects at the 2012 LAWeb Festival. 

The original score is written by Danny Torgersen and performed by Captain Squeegee.

The Special Effects are handled by Sean Oliver, Cody Hunt, John Knott, and Christopher Lue Sang. Many hours go into the dream effects that comprise our world of Lucidity and this award is very special to us.

25 March, 2012

Sean (Jason) Dream - March 22nd 2012

25 March, 2012
I'm in my dad's old house, but I think it is the home I live in now. I go to the backdoor and see Chris and Danny moving over sized furniture into the house. I recognize that the desk I recently moved into our backyard is back in the house and comment on it. I walk to the side of the house which turns into a big alley. Myself and other people I'm with all get attacked. I remember being stabbed all the way through my body multiple times. It is almost like an anime because the wounds are perfect circles and go through us almost like Lust from Full Metal. After the attack I'm looking down at a girl on the ground. There are other people around me looking at her, she has been greatly injured. The last and only thing I remember saying is, "With what's left of her brain I can make her think she's in heaven." Then I woke up.

Lucidity Accepted into 2012 LaWeb Fest!

For the second year in a row Lucidity has been accepted into the LaWeb Fest. We are greatly honored to be a part of this once a year event of which there is no equal.
     LaWeb Fest is unique in that it is a pure web based festival. Web series isn't simply a category or sub award at LaWeb, instead web series are the focus.

    Their dedicated review staff watch every single episode of every single entry. This means that every show is given the full opportunity to strut its stuff. Lucidity doesn't exist in any single episode and I know for a fact that their dedication benefits us greatly. I feel bad for making them watch over two hours of Lucidity, but am thankful that they took the time.

   Screening details will be posted within days so stay tuned.

The festival takes place April 6th-8th  at The Radisson LAX.

- Sean Oliver

17 February, 2012

All 5 Parts of Episode VI Online Now!

17 February, 2012

Watch all 5 parts of Episode VI

22 January, 2012

Fan Dream #4

22 January, 2012

Okay okay, great job so far guys! Graphics, music, originality, and characters are off the charts! So dream journal entry um I guess from this morning~

 I'm taking a walk around a typical Arizona neighborhood during sunrise hours. I have an impression that my cat Peach Other is hanging out with some people who work for a fast food drive through. I walk up to the window of this drive through, and I see my cat in there, and I start asking for him back and no one can hear me through the glass. However, my cat gets up and starts rubbing his face on the glass. He proceeds to appear on the other side of the window, and it's at this point that the workers open the window and say that's impossible and amazing and all that, and as I'm walking away, I tell them that things like that happen all the time and they should get used to it.
 Perhaps more interestingly and relevant, I had a lucid dream this morning where in I was in my bed in my body, so I began trying to experience my most recent dream goal which is to move from lucidity to an out of body experience. Thinking of this seemed to put me back in my body where I started from just eyes closed black and I was successful in getting in touch with my astral body and moving it around a bit. High pitch noises and moving up through the top of my head into mobility I think made the apprehensive part of me convince myself I was awake and eventually dreamed some more.

Password please! ^_^

20 January, 2012

Fan Dream Journal #3

20 January, 2012
So, almost a year ago now I had a dream that freaked me out so much.. It woke me from my sleep.
It was an Apocalyptic style dream.. I was in a downtown area, in an unknown city that was filled up to the 7th story building with water.
When I woke up.. It was the morning of the Japanese tsunami!

~ Dan.M

Sean (Jason) Dream - January 20th 2012

I was in a mall and there were two sides fighting each other. I remember web slinging trying to run from some girl villain. In mid air I flipped around and webbed her face, but she still kept running. I was trying to web sling as fast as I possible could.

It was a good dream :)


Episode VI of Lucidity ~ NOW ONLINE!

Episode VI ~ Part 1
After a years worth of work we are proud to give you the newest installment to our Web Saga Lucidity.

Release Dates:
Part 1 - January 18th - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6O4MOkhDcM
Part 2 - January 25th
Part 3 - February 1st
Part 4 - February 8th
Part 5 - February 15th
Full Episode - February 22nd

If you want to get a special password to view the whole Episode please go to our facebook and interact with us.

18 January, 2012

Fan Dream Journal #2

18 January, 2012
I had a dream where I swam out into the ocean, off of a shore and swam
down underwater to discover an active bed of human activity going on at the oceanfloor out a distance.
As I swam up I began to see that there were Greek and Roman type- statues displayed in a courtyard/entrance 
with steps leading up. People were surrounding them & learning all about them. I walked up these stairs (breathing underwater)
and walked through this courtyard to find that it was actually an entrance to a building.
I walked inside of it (breathing air again) to find that it was an ancient library of some sorts- an ancient underwater library!?

It was busy with people from all over the world. I walked around kind of stunned and started looking
at titles, browsing through the rows. Some titles were from ancient authors, mystics, scientists- although they seemed to translated to a
different language (one ive never seen b4), a consistent one nonetheless that spread across all these books. Others were new titles like "secrets to the universe", etc..
. Of course, as I went up front to check out and ask what the hell kind of place i was at i can remember nothing
more of the dream. It was so vivid that I couldn't get it out of my mind for a week, and I can still recall it
to this day it had a strong impact..

Flash forward to now, and although u may not believe in the stuff- esoteric wisdom and teaching-has come up again
and again across what I've been learning & reading. I have come across books that show Indian sages reported Earth's Age and 'cycles'
tens of thousands of years BC (no one had scientific tools to know it was over 4.3 billion years old, and they broke it up perfectly showing change in earth's polarity,
orbits, etc). THis stuff gets pretty wild, so to sum up- knowledge has been givin to man through
various higher entities through intuition and harmony with vibration. our society praises people who "gave" us these ideas, but they really are
watered-down off shoots of this knowledge from older sources. It is the language of the universe, the anima mundi , so to speak
that may have been in the books i saw, but i can't be too sure:)

Andrew B.

Fan Dream Journal #1

dude i had a dream js9 played a gig in this bar in the woods
and for some reason at the last minute before the show u and i switched instruments for the show
and you posted pictures online of us playing and the crowd was into it
and i was confused at why i was playing bass but it sounded sick....like fat breakdowns
and apparently we were blacked out drunk
thats why i slept til 1 cuz the dream was so sick lol
it was a long journey to the show down a long river bed with lush green grass. we had to venture down this thing for hours and climb through the water and at this point i had no idea where we were going.
the show was awesome. but i was upset that i didn't remember it. I kept on asking everyone about it and they ignored it and thought the show was sick.

Cole. J

15 January, 2012

Sean (Jason) Dream - January 13th 2012

15 January, 2012
"I leave Dobson high school and walk to the parking lot. I get into a really big car. I notice that it is difficult to drive, but still do. I turn left onto the street and have to slam on the breaks and pull the e-break in order to not hit the stopped car in front of me. I see a man laughing in the car next to the car I almost hit. I give him a thumbs up and smile. I decide that I don't have enough control over the vehicle and make a U-Turn after the light. As I drive past the school I realize i don't have any clothes on. I wonder why and then wake up."

So what does it mean when you're driving a car you can't control, are naked, and drive past your old high school?

- Sean