15 January, 2012

Sean (Jason) Dream - January 13th 2012

15 January, 2012
"I leave Dobson high school and walk to the parking lot. I get into a really big car. I notice that it is difficult to drive, but still do. I turn left onto the street and have to slam on the breaks and pull the e-break in order to not hit the stopped car in front of me. I see a man laughing in the car next to the car I almost hit. I give him a thumbs up and smile. I decide that I don't have enough control over the vehicle and make a U-Turn after the light. As I drive past the school I realize i don't have any clothes on. I wonder why and then wake up."

So what does it mean when you're driving a car you can't control, are naked, and drive past your old high school?

- Sean

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