19 January, 2011

Sean (Jason) Dream - Jan 18th 2011

19 January, 2011
I almost got directly out of my body this morning. I woke up after several hours of rest, I'm not sure how many because I didn't move when I woke up. Out of no where I felt my body get very heavy and kind of section to the ground. I then felt as if I was vibrating. Similar sounds to binaural beats were kinda switching on and off in my ear. I tried to focus on not focusing to hard haha and was able to keep it on. I saw more colors and felt as if I was standing instead of laying down. I decided to fall forward and slowly did so. The rush was extremely intense and I saw many images and what seemed like paitings as I fell through whatever I was falling through. I then remember trying to crawl toward a door. I've had another WILD/OBE experience before this where I tried to crawl through a door. Again as I reached the door I tried to phase through it, I feel as though this will confirm I am dreaming. I am very heavy and I can't get through the door.

And I don't remember anything after that. It's very significant to me that I keep trying to get through this door. I think I just need to stand up and take some real control and just use the doorknob.

It also intrigues me because I've read reports and have heard stories that when a person is trying to see their past lives you must enter a door. I've always been fascinated by past lives and it would definitely be something I'm open to exploring in the astral world.

Well, I'm tired and I must sleep in order to grow.

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