25 February, 2011

Sean (Jason) LUCID Dream - Feb. 24th 2011

25 February, 2011

While waiting for my boss to pick me up for a filming job this morning I was able to almost slip into a W.I.L.D.

As I was laying down I began to hear my roommate John's voice. I knew however that he was at the International UFO Conference running sound and was not in the house. I recognized the hypnagogia and attempted to ignore it while allowing it to grow louder.

I started seeing faces fly past me that I did not recognize. I felt like I was falling and I started hearing my own voice saying "open the door".

Now this is SUPER significant to me personally because my past two W.I.L.D. experiences have had a reoccurring theme. Two times I've got to the half state I am about describe but got stuck at a door. Both times I attempted to "phase" through the door.

And finally after the second dream I was like, "Dammit Sean! You don't need to phase through the door, you aren't Kitty Pride. Just stand up and open the fucking thing with your hand!!!"

So when I heard my voice telling me to open the door I was very shocked. I saw a hallway for a brief few seconds but never fully materialized. I continued to fly through the in-between state chaotically.

The unfortunate part about all three of these dreams is that I never attain full body awareness while being out of body. Meaning I don't reach my Astral body. Everything is kind of blurry and is almost foggy.

I remember flying through my star wars posters and oddly thinking that it was strange since I didn't go to sleep in my room, which I did. Near the end of the experience I realized I was in my childhood home that I grew up in. I was with a friend who I'll explain later. But I still didn't have a good grasp on the astral reality so I tried to verbally say, "Increase lucidity" but I couldn't really speak. It was like my mouth was being held shut. I tried a few more times, but to no luck.

After that point my boss called and I woke up.

Earlier in the experience I remember seeing a girl I know sitting by my window on a bed that is not next to my window in waking reality. I've had a few astral encounters with this girl recently and I find it rather fascinating. I sat behind her and touched her shoulder and then she turned and we kissed. This was the most "in body" moment of the experience, which is funny. The kiss was hilarious though, it was technically the second time I had kissed this girl in a lucid dream, but the previous time was in a D.I.L.D and I immediately stopped because the kiss is what gave me lucidity. This kiss was proper strange and was fairly real.

That was as far as that went, I'm not about to just give it all up for free! I remember jumping in my room trying to go through the ceiling but feeling the hardness of it. Also, remember that this wasn't a full on holy fucking shit out of body experience. The difference is a lot of this is more mental and like thoughts with images, rather than direct experience just like you are awake. I couldn't go through the roof and it was really bothering me. The girl and I walked out of my room and that's when I ended up in my old house.

I know I saw and heard more things but unfortunately I had to work and then write this all down so some of it is lost to time. I'll also update on a few dream events that I haven't written about yet.

I have to go now though because I was supposed to leave for the UFO conference to do video, but I just had to get this down. So just know I didn't proof read any of this.

Sean Oliver

21 February, 2011

NEWS - Episode VI in the works!!

21 February, 2011
Episode VI of Lucidity is currently in the works. With writing and pre-production complete we are going to enter production soon.

This episode is very exciting and offers new challenges for George and Jason to overcome.

Thank you for watching.

Spread The Lucid Love,
Sean Oliver