30 March, 2011

NEWS - Lucidity Wins Big In L.A.

30 March, 2011

Expect a detailed report in the next few days.

The awesome shows we saw
And More

Still Dreaming,
Sean Oliver

16 March, 2011

NEWS - "Lucidity" has been accepted into the L.A. Web Festival

16 March, 2011
"Lucidity" is proud to announce that it has been officially selected by the Los Angeles Web Festival to screen Episodes I and III.

This is the second annual LaWeb Fest and we are very grateful for the honor. There aren't a lot of festivals with categories for web content and as far as I know this is the only all web festival.

The screenings will take place this March on the 25-27 at Stage 52 in LA.

When we know the time of Lucidity's screening we will post it.

Thanks go out to everyone who has supported us. The show is a labor of love and we receive nothing in return but the happiness we gain from making it and the knowledge that people are thinking about dreams more.

We will continue making the show until the story is complete. I'm excited for the future episodes.


09 March, 2011

Sean (Jason) LUCID dream - March 9th 2011

09 March, 2011
I only wrote down a few things about this lucid dream, because I woke up in the middle of the night and typed it into my phone.

I'm in a hotel with Victor we realize we are dreaming. Both of us. We leave a crowd of people and find a private corner. We discuss what it means that we are both lucid and try and find something to say to each other when awake to confirm this is happening. We were standing by a pay phone and a toy car tilted on something.

This dream was pretty fucking sweet because it may have been a mutual dream. Sadly victor has very poor dream recall and cannot confirm anything. So this one will remain a mystery!
