11 November, 2010

Sean's (Jason) Dream - 11/12/10 *lucid

11 November, 2010
I've been editing episode V for the past week and most of my dreams have been somewhere in the editing hell. Sometimes I feel like I'm scrubbing through footage at a very slow rate, or looking at the same cuts over and over and over again. It's like a mental prison until I finish editing. Which is why I work in such fast bursts most of the time. Dive in, grab the treasure, and get the fuck out!

That being said today after a pleasant mid day shower I decided to lay down. Not exactly for the purpose of gaining Lucidity, but just to relax.

At some point I fell asleep and this is what I remember:

I'm standing on a huge cliff. On a road or something. Cody is near by. I don't think anything in particular makes me aware of that I'm not in my body. I simply realize it. Everything is still a little bit fuzzy, not a pure lucid state. I decide that I want to jump off the cliff and fly, but I hesitate. I remind myself that I have to have faith and not hesitate. This gives me the courage to jump. Sadly I don't fly and simply fall into the water. I'm very nervous swimming because I don't know what's in the water with me, but I again remind myself I have at least some level of control and I should be fine. I am able to swim and slowly start rising out of the water. I am able to fly and go somewhere I don't remember.

All in all a decent lucid experience, nothing profound or adventurous. I find it interesting I've been in nature environments lately in my dreams. I'm usually such a city dweller. Maybe I just need to get out more.

07 November, 2010

Sean's (Jason) Dream - 11/07/10

07 November, 2010
I'm really glad I'm forcing myself to write down this dream right now.

I woke up earlier in the day in order to work with my boss, but he was running late so I laid down and went back to bed on my couch.

"I'm asleep on the couch when a cat starts jumping all over me. It is actually kind of freaking me out. The cat keeps scratching me. I vauguley remember my sister Julian telling my I didn't feed the cat and now it was dying.

Suddenly I'm driving on a road that's on a cliff. It is a swurvy road and the driving makes me very tense and scared. I pull of the road. I run into John Knott (Chris) and he is guarding some kind of energy power plant. He is somehow emitting the energy. He kept bringing up how steep the cliff was, which made me nervous to drive again.

I start slowly climbing some kind of mountain. It's pretty difficult and I'm afraid I'll fall"

Please remember that when recalling a dream you should try and be as free flow as possible. Don't get caught up in what you're writing, nor how you're writing it.

Hopefully More Dreams In The Future,
~Sean Oliver

p.s. work went well.