11 November, 2010

Sean's (Jason) Dream - 11/12/10 *lucid

11 November, 2010
I've been editing episode V for the past week and most of my dreams have been somewhere in the editing hell. Sometimes I feel like I'm scrubbing through footage at a very slow rate, or looking at the same cuts over and over and over again. It's like a mental prison until I finish editing. Which is why I work in such fast bursts most of the time. Dive in, grab the treasure, and get the fuck out!

That being said today after a pleasant mid day shower I decided to lay down. Not exactly for the purpose of gaining Lucidity, but just to relax.

At some point I fell asleep and this is what I remember:

I'm standing on a huge cliff. On a road or something. Cody is near by. I don't think anything in particular makes me aware of that I'm not in my body. I simply realize it. Everything is still a little bit fuzzy, not a pure lucid state. I decide that I want to jump off the cliff and fly, but I hesitate. I remind myself that I have to have faith and not hesitate. This gives me the courage to jump. Sadly I don't fly and simply fall into the water. I'm very nervous swimming because I don't know what's in the water with me, but I again remind myself I have at least some level of control and I should be fine. I am able to swim and slowly start rising out of the water. I am able to fly and go somewhere I don't remember.

All in all a decent lucid experience, nothing profound or adventurous. I find it interesting I've been in nature environments lately in my dreams. I'm usually such a city dweller. Maybe I just need to get out more.

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