21 April, 2011

Sean (Jason) LUCID dream - April 21st 2011

21 April, 2011
I was riding in the Squeegee van and I was sitting in the backseat with a girl I don't remember. I tapped the seat with my finger and somehow I instantly knew I was in a dream. I think I verbally said I was in a dream and got really excited and the girl just rolled her eyes like it was uninteresting. I then told her how it was okay because us being in a dream didn't make it not real and that this was a real place to be.

I don't remember anything after that. I think I wondered about while lucid for a bit, but I don't know exactly. I end up watching a lot of people when I'm lucid. I'm in complete awe at them and their conversations and how much each of one seems to be so alive.

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