11 May, 2011

Sara (Astral Girl) LUCID Dream - May 11th 2011

11 May, 2011
Tonight, I ran into a neighborhood friend. During the middle of our conversation, I realized that I had not seen her in a few years and that we weren't even that great of friends. I suddenly became confused as to why we were carrying on an in-depth conversation as if we had grown up as life-long buddies, inseparable since the diaper days!

I soon though that I must be dreaming... but everything seemed so real! I decided to try a reality check, so I looked at my friend Cydney and announced, "You are a dream character!". She looked highly amused and began laughing at me. Her reaction indicated to me that she was in fact a dream character and I was lucid!

I soon became very excited... which is a good and bad thing! Too much excitement can easily wake you up! Unfortunately I woke up quickly. Danny told me to fall back asleep ASAP and try to return to the same dream. Mission: Failed! Hopefully next time I can become lucid and stay in the world of lucidity to explore the unknown territory of the imagination!

See you in the Astral Planes!!

(Astral Girl)

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