06 December, 2011

Sean (Jason) Dream - December 12th 2011

06 December, 2011
I'm writing this down a little late so I don't have much to put down.

I recently started watching Caprica which is a prequal to Battlestar Galactica. In the show there is a digital version of their city called New Cap City. When a person dies who is jacked in dies they "de-res" and return to the real world unharmed. In the show their are a few characters who already dead in the real world bu are still existing in the game. So when they die they do not de-res, but simply heal.

In my dream I remember trying to deal with the reality of having multiple bodies. I have no clue what the plot of the dream was. I really only remember being confused and one horrific image of a a few Reptillians eating a girl who couldn't de-res. It was a disgusting never ending feast.


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